Welcome to HaM: Ham and More.

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HaM is an application that provides useful tools for ham/amateur radio operators and radio listeners.

We also have some social features for connecting hams in other ways and assisting with QSOs.


HaM is still under development. It is or will be available on:

Platform Status
Android beta
iPhone/IOS pre-alpha
Linux beta
Windows alpha. No support for audio (morse) yet.
MacOS not started
Online pre-alpha. No support for propagation or audio (morse) yet.
Progressive Web App (Chrome, TV etc) not started

The app is primarily meant for use on desktop and mobile, but some features can be used via a web version of the app. Just bear in mind that it doesn't currently have all the functionality of the mobile and desktop versions.

cloudrun the web version file_downloaddownload

We have a chat group on Telegram you can join.
